Lifepak 12 Monitor / Defibrillator

Lifepak 12 Monitor / Defibrillator

Price: from $4000 GST free

MedSat Technologies has a range of refurbished Lifepak 12 monitor defibrillators and all of their associated accessories.  Our stock and specifications change regularly but the quality of the device is constant.  Click Enquire now to let us know what your need and budget is and we will do our best to match the right device to your project.

Current stocks include:

Ex hospital – ETCO2, SPO2, NIBP,AED, Pacing, Diagnostic 12 lead ECG, IBP

Ex hospital – SPO2, AED, Pacing, Diagnostic 12 lead ECG

Ex Ambulance ETCO2,SPO2, NIBP AED, Pacing, Diagnostic 12 Lead ECG

All devices come with all required leads for their specification,  new test report and 3 month RTB warranty.  Battery packs and chargers can be added to suit your application.  MedSat carries repacked Lithium ION batteries, New NICAD batteries and the chargers to suit each.  We also carry a full range of consumables and accessories for the Lifepak range of monitor defibrillators and service the devices in our workshop.